HIT: 462
Seven Habits That You Don’t Want to Break
Nearly all men and women in their 20’s and 30’s have a sense of invulnerability and immortality. I know when I was that age someone who was 50 was considered old. Today I consider a 50-year old as youthful. So what advice do I have for millennials>> In order to enjoy good health as a septuagenarian or octogenarian, you have good health habits during your younger years. Here are 7 tips that I have taken from an article in a recent New York Times about developing good health habits. They are easy to do and will make all the difference in the world on how you feel today and how healthy you will be tomorrow.
#1. Make the bathroom scale your new best friend. Nothing is more deleterious to your long-term health than being obese or overweight. Give yourself an acceptable range and when you approach the higher end of that range, cut your calories or increase your exercise.
#2 become your own chef. Your focus should be on ways to add variety to your diet and to boost the intake of vegetables and fruits. Cut down on unhealthy fats, sugar and excessive salt, i.e., no more than 1200 mg\day.
#3 Sugars, like those found in candy bars, sweetened cereals, and sugared soft drinks. Excessive sugar has been shown to be one of the main culprits obesity and diabetes. Excessive sugar represents empty calories with no important nutrients needed in a balanced diet. Giving sugar to children can make them addicted to sugar which can be more addictive than heroin or cocaine! Instead consume more fruits and vegetables.
#4 Get off the couch and get moving. Excessive sitting is the new smoking. Even if you can’t find time to have an exercise program you can still walk the stairs several times a day. BTW going up is good exercise, going down is exercise but harder on your hips and knees. You can also park your car a few blocks away from the office or on the top floor of the parking lot and then walk to work. Ideally, you should find a way to get 20-30 minutes of activity that increase your heart rate every day. This includes biking, brisk walking or swimming.
#5 Pay the piper if you play. If you engage in having a good time with drinking and snacking, then promise yourself additional exercise before or after your party.
#6 Cut the portions or let the palm of your hand be your guide. An ample serving of fish or chicken should fit into the palm of your hand. If you find that you are gaining weight or a few more pounds than you would like, cut the portions and cut the alcohol and you can lose 3-5 pounds in just a few days.
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